Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I realize I haven't posted anything in a very long time! I've been busy! I'm redoing my apartment. So between that, taking care of Jaden, cleaning, and cooking... and well... being a mom, I haven't had much time on the computer :/. I'm just about done with my kitchen though! All I have left is to finish the drift wood on my cabinets and a bench for the table that Tyler is making.
I wish I took a before picture. It looked so different!

 the black wall is chalk board paint. I'm excited to try it out!
 i found this branch on a hike. Made this myself : ).
 painted chalkboard paint on the jars for storing tea.

 chalkboard fridge DIY
 Like the open cabinets concept not done with them yet though...

jars for storing baby snacks.

In my opinion everything needs a little more color, but still is a working progress : )

These are some inspirations a like for some more to add to make it better:

 like this pattern for something. I'm thinking to paint a plain wooden stole I have in there.
 Love this for a wall. I have some vintage spoons like this that I don't use too.

LOVE this idea for the pieces of driftwood I'm going to put on the cabinets.